• This topic has 112 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by sade.
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  • #21284

    fast question:

    what should be the next pack?
    -supernaturals! (from angels to nagas)
    -finish the fantasy adventurer male!
    -finish the modern female!
    -make something new, and i will write it (forest elf pack, eastern, example)
    -make a special pack (socks, weapons, etc)


      I’m biased because what I would like may not be the best advice (from a commercial standpoint), therefore, I will just sort them out from my perspective – 1. being most interesting to me and 5. being less interesting. : 🙂

      1. finish the modern female!
      2. make something new, and i will write it (supers, sci-fi, cyberpunk… pretty please 🙂 )
      3. supernaturals! (from angels to nagas)
      4. finish the fantasy adventurer male!
      5. make a special pack (socks, weapons, etc)

      I understand there may be some overlaps. Just ignore unwelcome ideas, please. 🙂


      i’m not watching the money point of view, i try making something good, and developing 🙂
      Thank you for your answer. what new pack is your wish?

      you can say new pack ideas too! 🙂


        Well, if I had to pick *one* pack just for me it would be a superhero pack (male or female). I’m mainly a supers GM afterall. 🙂


        in finish



          Right… the image is pleasing but this chick definitely does *not* have a date. She’d make a perfect master villain in my book B) 😛


            This drow just has everything:
            – style
            – beauty
            – magic
            – creep factor
            – and a cool back banner

            If they don’t contact you ASAP to offer a job drawing illustrations for their books, then they have never seena good drow graphic in their life.


            im happy you like it 🙂 i hope you will make ton of characters, and i also hope you will share with us 🙂


            greg, they dont have, they can generate with it for theirself 😀


              [quote=”sade” post=821]what should be the next pack?
              -supernaturals! (from angels to nagas)
              -finish the fantasy adventurer male!
              -finish the modern female!
              -make something new, and i will write it (forest elf pack, eastern, example)
              -make a special pack (socks, weapons, etc)[/quote]

              My wishlist:
              – modern female, above everything
              – elegant special pack (court dresses, precious jewelry, intricate armor, whigs, carnival mask, etc)
              – female barbarian
              – supernaturals


              background: drow pack
              companion: drow pack
              skin: drow
              hair: drow
              top: drow
              pants: sorcerer pack
              left hand: sorcerer pack
              right hand: drow
              boots: sorcerer pack


                I like that you show the possibilities of mix-and-match. 🙂

                The background is fantastic, I had flashbacks of the first Drizzt novel, with the Narbondel (the glowing clock)

                The pet is a bit bizarre, because the hands are almost as long as it’s head (or it’s just the way it holds it’s head). But who else has bizarre pets than the drow.

                I really like the right hand spell effect, the floating lights with different sizes gives depth to it.

                But, I have problems with the right hand wand. The head of the wand looks beautiful, but shouldn’t the dragon be upside down? When she raises it, the tail of the dragon would point at the enemy, and the head towards the drow. And the shaft of the wand is not in her hand, but hanging behind her fingers.
                If you fix the shaft and rotate the head of the wand, would it look better, or the gold dragon wouldn’t look so good?


                  Agreed, the pet looks kinda like a crocodile to me.

                  As usual, I’m not so much in a fantasy mood but with that kind of ambiance I feel like a silver dragon would look better than a gold one (everything else is bluish or whitish) at the end of her staff (and yes, bottom up, indeed). I’m not sure that detail’s color will be adjustable. 🙂

                  Now, if I intended to use the pic for my venerable AD&D game I’d find it pretty nice 😉


                  what wand? Its a dragon amulett.. the neclare part is on her hand.. (sorry for hungarian: ott van a bőrszíj a kezen amin log, meg a nadrag mellett latszik.) 😀


                  kelemelan: for you i will make a little silver dragon
                  its more creature than dragon, yes, crocodile a little bit, and its undead.. 🙂 but still, i just tested the mix and matchable it dont have any story behind it

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