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  • #23982

      Well, he’s okay…. but how about this? 😀


      (Found on Pinterest.)

      Ha ha, couldn’t resist. 😀


        Armor looks way out there to me. Point is, Conan’s lack of armor or Starfire’s attire do make some (kind of) sense in the appropriate setting.

        That was my point. 🙂

        Just like a female paladin covered in full plate armor from head to toe also makes sense. I’m not a fan of platemail bikinis. 🙂

        Characters like Dejah Thoris of Mars come barely clothed but they also come without armor and **this** is what makes sense to me. 🙂

        Thx for fixing the url Kalnaren


          Yep. 🙂 I posted that guy one as a joke. Silly stuff you find online.

          And I agree. in my book soldiers wear proper armor, regardless of sex. Otherwise they’d be dead. There is no magic in my worlds. skimpy armor = death. Helmets included. In fact the helmet of one of the main characters in the story is an extremely important prop. You learn to define his mood by that helm. (It has a mirror shine on the grill of the visor that reflects the face of his enemies back at them. Poetically, I guess I’m trying to say to them “you brought this on yourself” just as the steel cuts right through flesh and bone.) 🙂 (I love writing.) 😀


            An example to illustrate the point: 🙂

            For the record, Red Sonja was created by RE Howard as an austrian character. She was imported in the Marvel comics as an hyrkanian one in 1973 by Roy Thomas and by then, she was wearing a “normal” chainmail (story was the adaptation of Howar’s short story). However, the character worked (too) fine, and she was given her own serie in which she appeared wearing her now legendary scalemail bikini…


            That’s how such attires become standard issues..

            But she’s NOT an hyborian character, she shouldn’t be wearing that metallic nightmare, and Howard certainly never described her that way…
            (Original Character is from The Shadow of the Vulture, 1934, by R.E. Howard)


              Oh come on you prudes 🙂

              I like ze chainmail bikini! Its effect is to dazzle any attacker and stun them with beauty, so that the bikini Valkyrie is not even attacked at all!


                I stand by my statement.

                Here is Dejah Thoris of Mars :

                Main difference is that she doesn’t pretend to be wearing much armor.

                Not that John Carter wears much clothes either. The cycle of Mars isn’t a Male only thing. 😉

                I’m not feeling very prudish in that matter. ^_^


                  Wow, very nice!


                    I would think someone dressed like that is only trying to seduce, tempt or tease. Unless the room or the climate is too hot. 😛 My books are very erotic as much as they are violent, the main character was a slave girl… but my characters do actually dress. They just undress a lot. 😀


                      Edgar Rice Burrough’s Barsoom (ie: Mars) is extremely Hot and Dry (and dying), so even the earth-born John Carter is dressed like that.

                      Dejah Thoris, Princess of the City-State of Helium is certainly no exception on such a planet. 🙂

                      Here’s another version of both characters by Boris Vallejo (showing that lack of armor & clothes is the norm, although John Carter is in fact a confederate soldier transported to Mars, and therefore human) :


                        [quote=”Kelemelan” post=3147]Edgar Rice Burrough’s Barsoom (ie: Mars) is extremely Hot and Dry (and dying), so even the earth-born John Carter is dressed like that.

                        Dejah Thoris, Princess of the City-State of Helium is certainly no exception on such a planet. 🙂

                        Here’s another version of both characters by Boris Vallejo (showing that lack of armor & clothes is the norm, although John Carter is in fact a confederate soldier transported to Mars, and therefore human) :

                        At least he has on shoes. 😛

                        But yeah, that’s kinda what I figured, though to be honest, I was thinking of ancient Egypt when I said that. 🙂


                          Oh, these ones are still quite ok, google for the Dynamite comics versions of Warlord of Mars and Dejah Thoris 😉


                            [quote=”caenissnow” post=3146]I would think someone dressed like that is only trying to seduce, tempt or tease. Unless the room or the climate is too hot. 😛 My books are very erotic as much as they are violent, the main character was a slave girl… but my characters do actually dress. They just undress a lot. :D[/quote]

                            Yeah, I kind of agree. It is more a male fantasy thing than anything else, I think 🙂
                            In very hot climates, like the desert, the people don’t go around dressed like that,
                            they have robes and turbans and such, only the harem girls and dancers, who try to impress and bedazzle, dress in such a way.

                            Still, no complaints here 🙂


                              Okay, I’ll say one thing and stop the argument right there…

                              People dress with plenty of clothes in desert climate to be protected from the sun but in equatorial wet climates (like the amazon), they actually go in the nude.

                              So, let’s just remember Barsoom is 1910 scifi, it doesn’t pretend to be scientifically correct to us, it’s from a time when Mars was supposed to be a living planet and that’s what matters. 🙂

                              Dare to Dream 🙂


                                Well, if we’re dreaming I’ll take this guy right here:



                                (Okay….. Maybe two of him. 😀 )


                                  Sounds like TMI 😛

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