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  • #23744

      Yup, it does. 🙂


        I like the new female pack. I tried my hand on a character from the computer game I’m working on, and it turned out not too bad I think.

        Her name is Katya, a paladin with a troubled past and a dangerous quest before her. She is stern and quiet, but powerful and a good friend and ally.

        Also, I tried the Halloween pack, and made something of a male fantasy 🙂




          Male fantasy ? Well, for a gothic buff that is. Notice I never used those costume options 😉 😛

          Okay, I’m pulling your leg, take the wings out however (or make them bigger, more impressive ? I don’t know, I’ve an issue with those wings 😛 ) and she’ll look pretty inspiring to me ^_^

          Off with the demons let’s err on the side of the angels. Your Paladin looks nice, suggest you add some postwork lighting/shadow if you intend to use her for your game, though. 🙂


            I can do that 🙂

            But the classical succubus always had wings…so I thought….but perhaps without them she would work better.
            I always liked the idea of the succubus, the attractive, but quite dangerous woman, you know you should not fall for her, (losing your soul and such) but ah, such powers of persuasion 🙂

            Anyway, thanks for the feedback on the paladin also, I will experiment with shadows and such.


              Okay, if you want succubi with wings… (or Balrogs for that matter 😉 )

              My suggestion is to save a pic without background, one with a background and to add the wings in postwork.

              I’ve tried my luck at enlarging the basic wings just to that end. 😉


              I suppose those small wings where meant to fit in ePic’s screen but side effect is they feel a tad wimpish. 🙂


                Ah, indeed, the larger wings do look better….something she could fold around you, so you have nowhere to go….:)

                Anyway, looks nice!


                  Okay…. truly frightening! 😀
                  Yikes! 😀


                    [quote=”Fasoldgames” post=3111]


                    I like that one. That actually looks like a decent base to work from. I’m personally not a huge fan of “exposed” armour (I like to armour up my warrior women 😉 ) but a couple of overlays and that’s definitely something I would work with for my stuff.

                    I’m also really digging that skin texture (really love the eyes). I was playing around with it quite a bit last night.


                      [quote=”kalnaren” post=3117][quote=”Fasoldgames” post=3111]


                      I like that one. That actually looks like a decent base to work from. I’m personally not a huge fan of “exposed” armour (I like to armour up my warrior women 😉 ) but a couple of overlays and that’s definitely something I would work with for my stuff.

                      I’m also really digging that skin texture (really love the eyes). I was playing around with it quite a bit last night.[/quote]

                      😀 Ha ha!!! Yeah! I know what you mean about the ‘exposed’ armor. I play games online with a sweet man every evening, but um he prefers the skimpier stuff. I always feel like my poor characters are running around in next to nothing. 😛 And in the snow too…. geez…. 😀


                        Totally OT


                          Well, actually……


                          My friend and I in Guild Wars 2. I kept taking screenshots of his new armor at the time (a few months back) for that very reason. 😀


                            Haha! Very nice!


                              Well, I would make sure to separate protection and armor there, because this isn’t just a female thing…

                              On the other hand there are some characters I can’t really picture in full body armor, hey ? 😉

                              So, okay, I support covering up the female paladins but that doesn’t mean that from time to time, showing up some skin isn’t appropriate, depending on the context, for both male and female characters.

                              For instance, I can’t picture fully clothed characters from Barsoom (from both sexes) 🙂 …


                                Wonder why it doesn’t show as a pic but the first url is working, please, copy/paste it 🙂


                                  [quote=”Kelemelan” post=3129]Wonder why it doesn’t show as a pic but the first url is working, please, copy/paste it :)[/quote]

                                  Because there’s a bunch of crap in it after “*.jpg”, so the forum software isn’t reading the URL as a picture link 🙂

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