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  • #23728

      You’re saying it, Caenis : “in a soup of danger. It’s fun.” ^_^

      I can certainly relate to that. Most prolly it’s fun and most prolly there’s danger involved, which can make it even more fun. 🙂

      Everything I’m saying is that I’ve spent weeks just talking to NPCs or PCs and my character evolved (that is the GM gave me XPs if you will) just because we all agreed that was fun and our common goals where reached… which was to enjoy ourselves. In some cases we just settled familial disputes 😉 I don’t expect an online game to give me XPs for that. Well a real life GM can, and he should since that’s how marriage counsellors and such become better afterall. 😛 ^_^

      That’s this leeway I’m looking for. The “anything goes” experience. (within reasons we can agree on on a case by case basis, but still, I can talk to a GM, computers are somewhat stubborn 😛 )


        Yep. Computers are stubborn, and I am too. 😀 So there you go. 😀


        Ah well…. as long as everyone is having fun it’s all good.


          Okay, looks like I have to push the point, I’m just trying to be clear. 🙂

          Can you mod it to do something like : Star Wars’ Empire’s is now cruising in ordbit around Skyrim’s planet and you’re going to face Palpatine’s stormtroopers as a new menace.

          Okay, it’s silly, but I’ve seen starships actually crash in middle earth in my time so… just tell me. 😉


            I would say yes.

            Modders are crazy. They can do anything. So yes.

            There are Star Wars mods for Skyrim. I don’t tend to mess with them but I do know they exist. So, yes.

            Just did a quick Google search:



              Infinite diversity in infinite combinations lol ^_^

              There can’t be a mod for everything a GM can think about. I’m not sure it would have worked if I had used Dune’s or Foundation’s Empire but nevermind. 😉

              Modders may be crazy, all I’m saying is what a GM needs to start a scenario is 3 mn to think about it and a cup of coffee. ^_^


                😀 😀 😀

                But then you can’t actually see it. 😀

                I have a feeling this ‘discussion’ will go on forever. 😀


                  Like I said, computer games strong point is precisely that you have something on screen. RPGs on the other hand grant an absolute freedom (within the limits set by the players themselves, sure) but everything takes place in the mind except some visual support. I believe that sums it up. 🙂

                  So, yes, and no. I can’t see… a picture, but I can see what I actually expect to see, except what I’m seeing stays in my mind. That’s all. 🙂


                    If I’m describing a beautiful shining steel unicorn with green eyes like beacons burning through the city’s misty night, I’m seeing it, standing in front of a skyscraper. But such illos are not necessarily easy to find. 😉

                    And where RPGs are involved and since anything is possible… like I said, I may really need flying pigs illos…err… in a star trek cruiser. ;P

                    Edit: …so for stuff like that, no illo, just feels better. 🙂


                      Perhaps a bit off topic, but I had a conversation some time ago with my brother, about programming. In a computer game, you code in HTML or any other language, to make the computer display pictures on screen, play sounds, etc.

                      And what is writing if not coding for the brain? 🙂

                      You write words that are interpreted by the brain of the reader and images and perhaps even sounds are generated, by the all powerful brain computer. In a sense, I think programming and writing are similar.
                      And perhaps a good computer RPG and a solid pen & paper RPG are therefore not so different?

                      In essence, good storytelling is about ‘the suspension of disbelief’ I think it is called. And any good story basically adheres to that. Logic, believability. And flying pigs in a Star Trek cruiser? I think that kind of ruins any kind of immersion….but that’s my opinion of course.


                        Sure, Fasold, but Gamemastering and creating the RPG are two different things. 🙂

                        What you’re talking about is for the game designer, not for the gamemaster. 🙂

                        And just put a Q onboard a Star Trek cruiser, and flying pigs are not an issue, btw. 😉 This is just a way to explain flying pigs. But there are endless ways out of this. The star trek universe is ripe with cosmic entities or aliens ready to wreck havoc with a starship’s crew. Without ruining the believability of the setting at all. Star Trek isn’t Star Wars. 🙂


                          Crap, sorry, I meant **PnP** game designer, of course.


                            [quote=”Fasoldgames” post=2926]Perhaps a bit off topic, but I had a conversation some time ago with my brother, about programming. In a computer game, you code in HTML or any other language, to make the computer display pictures on screen, play sounds, etc.

                            And what is writing if not coding for the brain? 🙂

                            You write words that are interpreted by the brain of the reader and images and perhaps even sounds are generated, by the all powerful brain computer. In a sense, I think programming and writing are similar.
                            And perhaps a good computer RPG and a solid pen & paper RPG are therefore not so different?

                            In essence, good storytelling is about ‘the suspension of disbelief’ I think it is called. And any good story basically adheres to that. Logic, believability. And flying pigs in a Star Trek cruiser? I think that kind of ruins any kind of immersion….but that’s my opinion of course.[/quote]

                            Yep. I agree. I was just asking about PnP solo play and BOOM. 😀

                            I play games just for fun, but writing is something i HAVE to do, if that makes sense.

                            Been writing a chase scene all day… horses, snow, a race to the border… If they can’t stop them, there’ll be war. Of course, I get to fling things in their path and I know, there’s nothing they can do to stop it. It’s so fun to be evil. 🙂


                              Let’s say that my fun is in the roleplay, so that should sum it up. 🙂

                              if my character is afraid of goblin and you want me to go after them, I’m not gonna go, makes sense ? 😉

                              Silly but I’m explaining my point. 🙂


                                You know where you’re going and how this will end up, Caenis or you’re writing as the inspiration’s coming ?


                                  I wrote out an outline for the second book a month or so ago, but i do let the characters change things as I go. I usually write out an outline for each chapter toward the ultimate goal, but sometimes the characters have other ideas. 😀 In the end though it will all end as I plan it to. Spoilers here, but I do kill people in my books. I know who’s gonna bite it before I start so that’s the kind of thing lurking in the side margins of the actual story….kinda sitting there, waiting in my mind.

                                  I’ve also written three different outlines for a chapter before and kinda let the characters show me which is the right way, if that makes sense.

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