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  • in reply to: den2k’s characters #24451

      Actually I had a couple of problems both with the attachment system (which I remember) and with the Gallery.

      In the attachment system I could manage to attach the file but not to refer it inside the post, as I was used to do – the related button does nothing. Plus if I try to see the preview and then the editing again, an error message appears next to the image warning of the failed upload.

      In the gallery I have a ungodly amount of time to wait after pressing the upoload button, only to get a standard HTTP error message as a result (something about the size of packets, I can’t remember well). I am sure that the file size is under the limits.

      I was about to post in the relevant section, but I postponed it to a second time… when I could log exactly the passages that cause me the errors.

      in reply to: den2k’s characters #24448

        Just the updated version (I made the first in a rush so it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be) here

        And the substitute which would take his place should his fight for freedom end prematurely.

        She currently has no name… she’s an half orc fighter, born out of affection between a female orc prisoner and a human soldier. They grew up the child together until a group of racist humans killed her father and forced the mother to flee with her.
        Her mother couldn’t grew her in a Orc settlement as their racism and hatred is even worst that that of humans, so they lived a lonely and traveling life until she came of age – when she was encouraget to find her own way in a world that rejected both of them. As of now her mother is doing well living as a hermit.

        I will expand a bit in the future – I needed the female barbarian pack to explore new aspect choices and I didn’t have the time to creatre a proper background or her character sheet.

        in reply to: Can’t check out packages #24447

          I did it, thank you!

          in reply to: den2k’s characters #24443

            Thank you guys :blush:

            in reply to: den2k’s characters #24440

              Hello guys, it’s been a while I’ve been silent. Many things happened, mostly I changed PC a year ago and played everything I could not play on my old mule, I lost momentum for the creation of my campaign (also thanks to a player who keeps postponing sessions so we can’t play, we’re only three players and she’s my significant other so…) so no new characters in the last years and a half. Last but not least three weeks ago I finally got married <3

              In a twist of fate I found a willing group of connationals who wanted to play D&D 5th edition, all people I "know" on Internet from a while and whith whom I have good relations, and the master is a huge nerd and a master of several role-fu systems so... here's my latest character for you!

              (sorry but I can’t seem to upload anything here).

              He’s Rael Stormwind, an half-elf warlock, whose patron is Pandorym, a powerful fiend of destruction.
              His elven father was called back to his enclave, where his human mother wasn’t allowed. They lived not too poorly but sometimes had hard times meeting ends, until a local mage, Erasmus, saw magic potential in him and offered to teach and host him at the price of mundane services.

              Rael always held dreams of adventures and admiration from the population, but his studies protracted for a lot of time without appreciable results, until… a fateful night Rael bumped into a book owned by his master, opened to a page which described a strange ritual. Using his not-excellent-at-all abilities in readong Draconic he understood that it was a ritual which gave a whole lot of arcane power.

              Without his master knowledge and hoping to impress him, Rael prepared the ritual… and quickly found himelf stuck into a Pact with this horrible entity. Erasmus of course became aware of it and cast Rael away, with only his clothes and a handful of coins to survive.

              Ashamed and disgraced he did not return home. His thoughts and emotions were twisted and warped by Pandorym, who quickly brought the young Rael into a downward spiral of crime, violence, cruelty and empty hedonism. Until…

              A girl, a child actually, bumped his leg while running and playing. He saw her. The demon showed his thoughts. It was too much. In that moment the slumbering conscience of Rael woke up in all his might and fought a tremendous mind and soul battle against his Patron. A Pact is not something easily overlooked or canceled, if he did turn back his soul would be claimed by Pandorym right away, making him a selfess pawn.

              Rael understood that all that Pandorym needed to have the Pact satisfied was destruction: illness, death, turning law to chaos and chaos to tiranny, good to bad and bad to worst and… self-destruction worked perfectly fine.

              His mind now clear, his lost ideals now shining in the dark of his own deeds, he shields other people from his demon by living a risky adventurous life, taking hazardous choices, smoking and drinking way too much and giving himself to the kind of carnal pleasures that empty the soul instead of healing it. All this to keep his powers and sanity, to be used for good.

              in reply to: Female Packs #23193

                Fem warrior, Fem warrior! 🙂

                in reply to: den2k’s characters #23129

                  Well, Red and Yellow are perfectly fine colors for a Sea Wizard – ever saw the sun setting or rising upon the sea? The reddest red, and yellow, orange and purple as pure as you’ll rarely see. But I think that his spells should look “wavy” or watery, like droplets of flame for example, with strange reflection like fire over a river.

                  in reply to: den2k’s characters #23123

                    I beg to differ: D&D is fairly precise in its description of magic and any modification is Dungeon Master house rule. This kind of magic is used in even higher fantasy settings, like The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon…Inheritance) or the Wizards (written by Mikael Peinkofer, it had a very small success in fact the third book isn’t translated nor sold outside its native Germany and I can’t find the second book even online).

                    Also I’m pretty sure I read this kind of depiction elsewhere but I can’t remember the sources. Not even The Dresden Files, which is VERY HIGH magic, uses this paradigm unless mitivated, Jim Butcher tends to be fairly scientific in its use of magic (he uses what in D&D would be Conjuration, even for its “Evocation” style, and it makes sense).

                    Also Low Magic scenarios tend to represent magic as either a huge arcane world-changing force in the hand of a handful of strange subjects or as small tricks that do not work as often as they do. In these scenarios strage things like blue fires or strange lightings are pretty standard, as magic is an “outside” force, a breach in the fabric of reality.

                    in reply to: den2k’s characters #23120

                      This is not a character, just a spur of the moment trying the new features.

                      Thank you for the “Underwear”: it allows me to seamlessly cover the midriff of my girls. It adds to the credibility of an armored woman, otherwise it would be a chainmail bikini ;P

                      Thank for the new objects as well, the moon circlet is way too cool to be ignored, I think I’ll take a new looka at Falathiel since she’s Moon related. Thanks for the new magic staff and spell effects (Equipment-Hand).

                      I enjoy parrticularly the recolorable sfx, nice having a blue fire with blue aura… as we all know (?) magic appearance is often thematicaly connected to the user. Thanks for the new necklaces and boots by the way.

                      in reply to: Hello ! I´m Darkconjurer and I´m new here #23105

                        Well, war is war. The Empire may be evils as a whole entity but that does not mean that each of its combatants is – most of them are fighting for their future or to protect their loved ones, just as many Alliance warriors are in just for the money and the fame gained slaughtering conscript peasants.

                        So, dark or not, better in the Alliance than in the Empire – which has its fair share of conjurers without any need of help 😀

                        Also in a setting with high magic the wizards are basically the core of the war – it is in facts a war of wizards where commoners are simply miniatures on a table and numbers. Weapons are mass produced thanks to magic, aerial troops can exist only by magic, fast and accurate siege weapons use magic, explosive ballista javelins are magical, potions, communications and espionage are magical in nature…

                        in reply to: Hello ! I´m Darkconjurer and I´m new here #23037

                          Welcome aboard! Dark conjurer huh… the Mage Division needs your help on the Northern Salient, go and report to Captain Curtys. :cheer:

                          in reply to: Banners and frames #23022

                            If everything goes well, the patch should be out this week.

                            Okay now I’m hyping like a teenage girl. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

                            Best wishes for the life obstacles!

                            in reply to: den2k’s characters #23017

                              Well, Italy IS near the Netherlands… for very broad meanings of “near” 😀

                              Yes Ilythids are the mindflayers. I hate them too, but I will not send my PCs in without adequate support and a horde of mind-freed and very angry Dwarven berserkers, a host of newly freed Gnomes and whatever supernatural ally they can gain. And a lot of artillery as well.

                              in reply to: den2k’s characters #23014

                                Here you are, a discrete Conjurer with as little as 2 months of training. You’ve done well summoning that crystals, but you have a long way to go. For sure you have talent… let’s hope that you’ll pursue it once the war will be over.

                                Now here the Elven King, imprisoned in the capital of the Empire and switched with a doppelganger.

                                It will be our heroes mission to infiltrate the capital via river, find the prison of our king and extricate him in order to unite Elves and Halflings against the Empire – who now surround then and plan to exterminate and enslave them. But getting out of the city won’t be as easy as getting in…

                                Lastly, the chief of the famed Longmountains Mines.

                                He’s related to the Gnomish Druid in our party, having reared him since he was little. Now the Empire is buying metals and weapons from them due to the VERY harsh terrain that renders the conquest of the Mountains nigh-impossible. But they’re working on their trust and on their neighbours – both the Raptorians who live on the peaks and the Duergars and Ilythids who live underground. They must be warned and united under a single flag for our war effort to succeed…

                                in reply to: den2k’s characters #23012

                                  No horse riding skills required, standard equipment comprising longsword, one hand autocrossbow and cloth armor provided. 1 gold coins each month for basic infantry, earn your grade to earn your pay.

                                  Also there is very little room in the ships to carry horses, most of the artillery is self-propelled and the mounts are generous courtesy of the Conjurers division.

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