• This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by sade.
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  • #23015

      I’ve noticed in sample pictures of season 1 packs that you can place a banner for the name at the top and place it behind the character’s head. But when trying to do the same thing in program, the banner appears at the bottom, in front of the charcter, and can’t be moved. When you export teh picture, the watermark covers up the banner, making it useless.


      It will be changed after the patch, the logo will be move-able.


        Any planned release date for the patch ? Or even, should it be “sooner”, or rather “later” ? 🙂


          There were several life-related obstacles in the past months, but we’re finalizing the packages at the moment, literally. If everything goes well, the patch should be out this week.


            Ah, yes, life, kind of always gets in the way. 🙂

            Hope things will be for the best from now on, and happy to read ePic should keep getting better despite the hardship. 🙂

            Best of luck anyway. 🙂


              If everything goes well, the patch should be out this week.

              Okay now I’m hyping like a teenage girl. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

              Best wishes for the life obstacles!


              With the patch will be released the warrior male, and elf female pack too 😀
              sorry for the spoiler 🙂 (the pack contains some cool stuff, what requires the patch :))
              and of course we have some surprises too 🙂

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