
    Yesterday, I saw someone had made a deck of cards on the Gamecrafter with hand drawn art of Mexican wrestlers. I liked it a lot and then I thought: we can do this with the Epic Generator too!

    Personally, I like mythology a lot, and a deck of cards with mythological characters for example, would be something I would buy in a heartbeat!
    You could, for example, create Greek gods and goddesses for the Heart cards, Norse gods and goddesses for the Clubs cards, Indian deities for the Spades cards, and Chinese deities for the Diamonds cards.

    This could also have an educational value, to teach children something about ancient world religions.

    Anyway, I threw some images together to show what it could look like.


    And here’s one with more info about the goddess.


    Anyway, its all just a thought really 🙂
    But I think, if someone would make something like this, it certainly could sell!