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  • #23064


      Here’s a screenshot of the Donator Pack. As you can see, there’s always this same character visible behind all other characters, even when you select no character. The file exports normally, but well…

      One more point : when I switch to the save/load/export/back screen, I can access the Forum Challenge #2 and Forum Challenge #3 buttons, and if I hit those buttons (while using the Donator Pack or some other season 1 pack, I’d guess. didn’t try all of them. 🙂 ) the soft just crashes.

      Thought this might be useful. 🙂


        I guess the Forum Challenge #2 and Forum Challenge #3 buttons should be accessible from everywhere but not from the season 1 packages if I’m getting the hang of it. 🙂


          Good point, I’ll fix the Challenge packs asap.

          I’ve looked into the Donator pack and couldn’t find this issue. Looking at the screenshot I assume you have this character selected at the moment?


            Yep, but no matter which base character I select, the buttons on the right always display a “ghost”character behind him (which isn’t shown in the display and isn’t exported, my report is because of the buttons, sorry if I was unclear about that. 🙂 ).

            By the way, prior version allowed us to export a “no character” picture, this version doesn’t. I presume this is on purpose ? 🙂


              Oh, I see what you mean. The icons. 🙂 I’ll look into it.

              Yeah having the option in S1 to export a no character using the zero in the Donators pack was a long time bug, but as we didn’t want to touch those packs we haven’t fixed it for a very long time. But now the time has come, and this has gone. There’s no point in a character generator without showing a character, right? 🙂


                Ok, no sweat. Thx. 🙂


                  Both issues should be fixed by now, let me know if you still see them after restarting the program. Thanks for reporting by the way! 🙂


                    My pleasure. 🙂

                    Issue is fixed for Season 1 packs and Donator Pack Works Fine.

                    Season 2 Male works fine too.

                    But… (sorry, there had to be one :unsure: )

                    Female and Muscular no longer see the challenge #2 and Challenge #3 packs like they did last time I checked. :unsure: (They never saw Challenge pack #1 btw, just for the record.)


                      Yep, that’s intentional. The Challenge packs are for the Male base.


                        All right then, pity though, that scaly crocodile guy on that foggy background looked scary enough ! 😉


                          Bug that was present in the last version as well:

                          The “Remember Me” checkbox on the login page does nothing. Password stays in the password box whether you click Remember Me or not. If it’s suppose to function like an Auto Login, it doesn’t do that, either. Basically I can’t see any actual function it performs.

                          Another problem: Since the update, hair no longer clips with armour properly. I don’t know if this is a layers issue or a positioning issue.

                          Compared with the older version:


                            HUGE issue guys :

                            I can no longer load my old saved lbd files. Any way out of that ? Or some way to convert the old lbds to the new format ? would hate to loose all my previous stuff. :unsure:

                            Or maybe it’s just me, just tell me how I can help.


                              [quote=”Kelemelan” post=2328]HUGE issue guys :

                              I can no longer load my old saved lbd files. Any way out of that ? Or some way to convert the old lbds to the new format ? would hate to loose all my previous stuff. :unsure:

                              Or maybe it’s just me, just tell me how I can help.[/quote]

                              This is apparently due to the new update being incompatible. All the old stuff will no longer load.

                              I actually didn’t see this mentioned in the patch notes, which IMO is a MASSIVE omission. Stuff like that HAS to be mentioned in the patch notes. Forcing an automatic update with such a compatibility problem is also a problem, and I advise that it’s not done in the future.

                              Luckily I didn’t update the version on my laptop so I was able to export all my stuff, but also given some of the bugs (like the above hair clipping/armour issue) in the new version I won’t be updating that install for a bit.


                                Let’s hope it will be fixed in some way. Like a converter tool to convert lbd from before the patch to lbds from after the patch, for instance. 🙂

                                I do understand the conversion would have to be somewhat approximate because obviously the different versions of the soft don’t work the same way but I’d be very glad if I didn’t have to recreate dozens of characters from scratches like I had to do with the first ePic update. 🙂

                                So pleeease, (begs) any hope at some kind of converter in the future ? :unsure:


                                  Maybe you could allow us to downgrade one computer to the previous version of ePic, as a temporary way out, too ?

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