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  • #21353

    (which means the “normal” body type will be for normal body type, and the muscular for a muscular. problem solved :D)


      Could there be a third – even more muscular – body ? (just asking, no pressure 🙂 )

      If you check my previous post, three body types would allow :

      1. normal/lithe/slim body type for humans / angels / fairies
      2. Strong/Muscular body type for barbarians and and appropriate halfbreeds and
        [li] even more muscular body type for minotaurs, bearmen, demons, devils (and incidently many supers, don’t forget who is asking 😉 😛 )

      For the time being, the latest body type is missing. 🙂


      I don’t want to make a new character, until I haven’t made these 3 characters at least 5 packs. I really want this, because the thematical packs have limited many stuff. With at least 3 packs, it will be OK, but one pack alone is not enough to make million types of characters. Being mix and matchable is great, but only if you have content that you can mix and match 🙂 The previous packs were a little bit of everything. Now they are focused.


        kk, let’s mix and match aplenty then B) 😉 😛


        I have a little problem, what im working on (the underwater background and stuff.
        while im figuring out some problem, i begun making companions.
        in this pack will be human companion, so you can make a “raider team” in few steps, or adventurer group also 🙂



          Just bought the program and packs to date today and reading this thread you have already got me wanting the new packs, with so many options coming I can see.

          The PACK idea of adventurers together is one picture is superb !


          thank you! i have many ideas based of the feedbacks, and wishes 🙂
          im happy to able to fullfill all.
          Lately i was not too active because i was sick (and home and family), but i will come back in few days 🙂
          if you liked the first version, you will LOVE the new, upcoming version, because of the HD resolution, quality and options developments 🙂


          pretty faces



            Nice to see you’re feeling a tad better. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed your time off.


            thank you 🙂 nah, i was sick like a hell. i still have some zombie attitude, but i missed working in this stuff too much 🙂


              Oww so sorry to hear that :unsure: May your recovery be a short but restful one from now on. 🙂

              We’re all preparing the fireworks to celebrate your coming back! 😉


              thank you 🙂 LBandy promised a pre test for me in few weeks.. brace yourself, a brand new version and some pack will coming soon 😀


              10 new body bases
              10 horns/antens/etc
              5 companions
              10+ lower body
              10 tails

              lets makes some moar outfits accesory and weapons..and backgrounds 🙂



              ok, some outfit part is ready too, and some new other addon..
              about the image.. im not sure about his race.. but all item is will be mix and matchable with this pack:



              and same outfit on human
              this contains:
              the human guy could bear some more dirt and wound ..
              ok, continue the work..


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