Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Developer Program Getting Started without Photoshop

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      [spoiler][/spoiler]Messing around with the Developer thingy. 😀 And i like the color picker. 😀


      I spent some time and made a fast hair and beard for the BIG guy that think i’d like but now I can’t wrap my head around the directions to figure out how to put it in the generator. 😛 Maybe I’m just up too late again. I don’t have Photoshop, so I use PhotoImpact X3 and i guess I’m not understanding where I need to put things. Layers and all are no problem, I’m used to that. It’s understanding where I need to put the items I make to get them in the generator, if that makes sense. 😛 I’ll give it a go again after I’ve had some sleep. Here’s a screenshot of the quick simple hair I made (It’s not finished or anything – I was just trying it out.):



        If you take a look at the exported folder in the psd_template directory you should be able to see the structure of how a character is built.

        If you just want to create a hair for the muscular guy for example, all you need to do is create a new folder in the assets directory, and call it char_mama_whateveryouwant. Create a pictures directory in it, and then put your image named 1.png in the hair (for preset colors) or col_hair (this is generally white items, can be colored in the program easily) directory.

        If you’ve done that go the package_generator, and run the .exe with the following command line: ePicPackageGenerator.exe char_mama char_mama_whateveryouwant. Then all you need to do is let the program now that this package should be visible, open the packs.txt and enter char_mama_whateveryouwant in a new line.

        You should be able to see you new pack in the generator under the ? icon, and if you run it you should be able to select your new hair.


          I think I get it. 🙂 I’ll try that tomorrow. Tonight though I did it manually. 😀

          I’ll post the results in my character thread and tomorrow I’ll try putting it in the program. 🙂 Thanks LBandy!!!!


            There must be something wrong with the PNG i made in Photoimpact X3? I’m getting a hang when it goes to process the beard. I’m just trying to understand how the thing works before I start making stuff for now, so I only have the hair and beard in there right now and this is where it stops:

            Just wondering what I’m doing wrong. 😀

            Thanks 🙂


              Nice background of Geralt. 😉

              Can you post a screenshot of you beard folder?


                Yeah…. I can’t get enough Geralt. 😀 I have about 50 wallpapers of him on rotation. 😀

                Okies… Here’s the screenshot of the folder with the beard.


                  Yeah, so all the images in a given a folder should be named as indexes. That is, you start with 1.png, and then 2.png, 3.png, etc…

                  Except if you have a category where you want to have an item by default (topdefault and pantsdefault for example), where you start with 0.png. But this is only relevant if you’re working on a base, so don’t worry about this now, always start at 1.png! 🙂


                    okay cool 😀 Got it. I’ll go try it now. Thank you!


                      Hmmm…. Now it’s crashing. :/


                        It doesn’t make a big different if it crashes or simply hangs. 🙂 Screenshot of the beards folder? You can also attach the png file so I can check on my end too.


                          Okies… Screenshot of beards folder:

                          And the beard png… It very rough but I’m just testing. 😀



                            So the good news: it doesn’t crash on my end! 🙂

                            Btw you should be using the same size as the character for every item, as they are rendered on top of each other, so if the sizes don’t match, the positions won’t be correct. The Season #2 bases are 1010×1200 pixels.

                            A question though, I assume this is the first category where you actually have an item, how does your .bat file look like, what parameters are you using?


                              The png should be the right size. I painted it right over the original figure. 😮 But i’ll check. In fact that picture I posted last night I just plopped it right on top and didn’t have to move it or anything.

                              As for the bat file…. I don’t know…… It just says this:

                              ePicPackageGenerator.exe char_mama_BPGbigguy

                              …..because I have no idea what I’m doing. 😀
                              (Bear with me…. once I get it, I’m fine.) 😛 (Just takes a few hammers to the head.) 😀


                                Yep, that’s the reason. As I said in my earlier post (and in the dev program page), if you’re creating an expansion pack (and that’s exactly what you’re doing), you should specify two parameters. The first one will tell the name of the base pack, and the second one will be the pack you’re working on.

                                So it should be: ePicPackageGenerator.exe char_mama char_mama_BPGbigguy


                                  Ah! I gotcha. 😀 Okies, testing now. Thanks for your patience, LBandy. 😀

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