Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Bug Report Error messages at start up

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  • #25610

      I just downloaded the generator and purchased one of the Season #1 packages. After installing the generator, when I go to open it, I get two different error messages.

      1) “Cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found”

      2) “Cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found”

      Message #2 immediately followed message #1. And both messages also said to try to reinstall the software as that might correct the missing files. I did that and got the same messages when launching the software. Any thoughts?


        Hi there,

        Sorry to hear about your issue! It sounds like you are missing the MSVC Redistributable package, you can download and install it from here:

        I’ll make sure to add these dlls in the installer though.

        Thanks for letting me know!


          I was getting error messages on start up as well… after numerous attempts to fix it, in the end I gave up. BUT… assuming it was a problem on my computer, which crashed and needed resetting, I am going to try again…
          Tutorial was fine, but how do I download the packages again that I bought before…???
          Thanks, Dave


            Hi Dave,

            Once you are logged into your account in the software your packages will be downloaded automatically. However if you experience the looping download issue again please take a look at the e-mail I last sent you and follow the instructions to generate a log file so I can further investigate. I’m working on a patch which improves the connection flow but it’s not ready just yet.

            Please let me know how it goes.


              Good news and bad…. it seems to be working… partially… I can use the initial 3 gold figures, but several of the other packages I bought, eg. male and female dwarves, (according to this site) won’t opn and the software says I need to buy them?! 🙁


                It just means you are not logged in. Make sure you are entering your login credentials on the login screen. After a fresh install the software takes you to the Main menu without any login details. You can then press Login button to get back to the Login screen, then enter your username and password. You can also tick the “Remember Me” box so you won’t have to type it again. If you press Login you’ll be logged into your account and your packages will be downloaded.


                  Tried logging out, logging in again… still no joy… what the site says I own is still showing on the generator as packages to buy…. 🙁



                    I’m sorry to hear that Dave! You are using the standalone version, not the one on Steam or Google Play, right? I’m asking becuase I just checked our backend and I don’t see any login attempts from your username (dave17120). What happens when you enter your details on the Login screen? Does the software simply let you in? Does it complain about incorrect login details? Could you try and mistype your password or username on purpose and see if that triggers a failed login? I’d really love to help, but I can’t do much more from my end unfortunately.


                      Dave, let’s make it simple.


                      Try to log out manually and make sure you **type** your real login and password.


                      As a default, ePic logs you in as “” and that is an issue since it is the default “beginner” 0 pack account.


                      Lbandy, my guess is everybody got somewhat reset since I just got logged in as “” on my end so I can certainly understand why new users get surprised. 😉


                        If you install a fresh copy of the software it enters as a default login. This login is hard-coded not to be validated and it let’s new uers access to the demo packs, etc… Once you register an account for yourself you can enter the details of your account and then those details will be used to log you in instead of the demo account. If you tick “Remember me” your login details will be remembered as long as you don’t uninstall the software or start it with a different system account. They won’t get reset otherwise.


                          I concur there. I definitely didn’t have to re-download everything… 😛


                            I believe you. Did you change the system (Windows) users you were using to start ePic? Profile files are locked to Windows users so if you did start the soft with another user than what you used at first it got reset. Otherwise if the Remember me checkbox was ticked all the way I don’t see how it could be changed sadly. :\


                              I can think about one possibility:

                              Disk is multiboot and since W10 is a pain, I had to unmount/remount that ePic linux NTFS partition. Damn Windows wants everything NTFS all for himself and had made it read-only wich wasn’t exactly convenient… 😛


                                Yeah if you had your installation directory accessible and then you changed it to read only the save fill will also be recreated in the Users directory which is always writable. This could be another reason you started on a fresh profile instead of the your old one.


                                  In that case, it’s my linux /windows folder which became read-only and got recreated as a separate drive that I had to mount…

                                  Main issue being that Windows (the OS) is terrible at reading linux file systems.

                                  I’m confident this issue happened because of W10 latest update. I tried many options including reinstalling (several) linux(es) and only one that worked was recreating that NTFS partition from nil.

                                  So far, it works but I still haven’t relaunched the W10 part of the system…. ^_^


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