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  • #23013

      Hey, the Conjurors division! Can I join that? I always wanted to learn magic, and I already got my W…….no, no, that’s a stupid joke 🙂


        Here you are, a discrete Conjurer with as little as 2 months of training. You’ve done well summoning that crystals, but you have a long way to go. For sure you have talent… let’s hope that you’ll pursue it once the war will be over.

        Now here the Elven King, imprisoned in the capital of the Empire and switched with a doppelganger.

        It will be our heroes mission to infiltrate the capital via river, find the prison of our king and extricate him in order to unite Elves and Halflings against the Empire – who now surround then and plan to exterminate and enslave them. But getting out of the city won’t be as easy as getting in…

        Lastly, the chief of the famed Longmountains Mines.

        He’s related to the Gnomish Druid in our party, having reared him since he was little. Now the Empire is buying metals and weapons from them due to the VERY harsh terrain that renders the conquest of the Mountains nigh-impossible. But they’re working on their trust and on their neighbours – both the Raptorians who live on the peaks and the Duergars and Ilythids who live underground. They must be warned and united under a single flag for our war effort to succeed…


          Very nice! And I recognize myself, I AM that conjuror 🙂

          These make me want to play some roleplaying games again, haven’t done that in quite a while. You wouldn’t happen to live anywhere near the Netherlands would you? Then I could join your campaign!

          Ilythids, aren’t those…mindflayers? Always hated those creatures, awful mindblast, takes out a whole party without much effort, shame on them!


            Well, Italy IS near the Netherlands… for very broad meanings of “near” 😀

            Yes Ilythids are the mindflayers. I hate them too, but I will not send my PCs in without adequate support and a horde of mind-freed and very angry Dwarven berserkers, a host of newly freed Gnomes and whatever supernatural ally they can gain. And a lot of artillery as well.


              Well, it is on the same continent indeed 🙂

              Too bad, would have liked to heroically destroy some wretched mindflayers and defeat an evil empire (always has been a daydream of me, to defeat an evil empire, ever since StarWars 🙂 )

              But no worries! Good to hear people are still roleplaying! Even more with the ever advancing computer games out there.


                This is not a character, just a spur of the moment trying the new features.

                Thank you for the “Underwear”: it allows me to seamlessly cover the midriff of my girls. It adds to the credibility of an armored woman, otherwise it would be a chainmail bikini ;P

                Thank for the new objects as well, the moon circlet is way too cool to be ignored, I think I’ll take a new looka at Falathiel since she’s Moon related. Thanks for the new magic staff and spell effects (Equipment-Hand).

                I enjoy parrticularly the recolorable sfx, nice having a blue fire with blue aura… as we all know (?) magic appearance is often thematicaly connected to the user. Thanks for the new necklaces and boots by the way.


                  [quote=”den2k” post=2362]
                  as we all know (?) magic appearance is often thematicaly connected to the user.[/quote]

                  Well, in D&D that is. In Low Fantasy or Sword & Sorcery, it most certainly doesn’t work that way.


                    Though, indeed, the underwear as a separate entity is a good thing since it allows more flexibility 🙂 .

                    Now I still see no point in removing them entirely except if you want to display a naked character, but for that, well, it’s not like google and photoshop won’t help you with very little effort ^^ 😉 😛


                      I beg to differ: D&D is fairly precise in its description of magic and any modification is Dungeon Master house rule. This kind of magic is used in even higher fantasy settings, like The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon…Inheritance) or the Wizards (written by Mikael Peinkofer, it had a very small success in fact the third book isn’t translated nor sold outside its native Germany and I can’t find the second book even online).

                      Also I’m pretty sure I read this kind of depiction elsewhere but I can’t remember the sources. Not even The Dresden Files, which is VERY HIGH magic, uses this paradigm unless mitivated, Jim Butcher tends to be fairly scientific in its use of magic (he uses what in D&D would be Conjuration, even for its “Evocation” style, and it makes sense).

                      Also Low Magic scenarios tend to represent magic as either a huge arcane world-changing force in the hand of a handful of strange subjects or as small tricks that do not work as often as they do. In these scenarios strage things like blue fires or strange lightings are pretty standard, as magic is an “outside” force, a breach in the fabric of reality.


                        Personally, I really like it when the magic is connected to the temper / nature of the wizard, it adds to the flavor of the character and sets a general atmosphere. And a good character atmosphere is hard to create but so easily shattered 🙂

                        With the danger of sounding like some fashion guy: A sea wizard’s spells for example should never have a red or yellow color, its just….wrong!


                          I said low fantasy, not low magic. That’s a genre. Not the same thing.

                          And I’m talking about D&D as a whole. Not about some specific book or version. My experience of D&D has always been the same during the past decades, and I’ve been a D&D player. What’s absolutely certain though, is that I’m not referring to the current edition, you can believe that. But I do trust players to always go over the top 😉

                          And they never make me lie on that point. hehe. 😉


                            But basically, your description could fit, yes: magic either changes the world or does nothing.
                            Add one element : Sorcery is repulsive. I keep thinking about that “Gelid Bones” spell from the Conan RPG. You can pretty much guess what it does. :unsure:


                              [quote=”Fasoldgames” post=2366]With the danger of sounding like some fashion guy: A sea wizard’s spells for example should never have a red or yellow color, its just….wrong![/quote]

                              No, really ? Why ?

                              What a strange idea.
                     😛 😉

                              Hehe. B)


                                Now, Dragonlance includes the Blood Sea of Istar, I’m pretty sure such a sea wizard would cast red spells, but that’s just me.

                                Every GM can decide for himself/herself. 🙂


                                  Well, Red and Yellow are perfectly fine colors for a Sea Wizard – ever saw the sun setting or rising upon the sea? The reddest red, and yellow, orange and purple as pure as you’ll rarely see. But I think that his spells should look “wavy” or watery, like droplets of flame for example, with strange reflection like fire over a river.

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