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  • #29208

      OK, so tails should be ready for the female anthro cats provided variable color is working.

      If it isn’t some things may look odd but I stuck as much as possible to basic grayish/black/white colors to prevent tarish results. This should be easily fixable.

      Here’s a preview :

      Female Anthro Cat 2

      Lbandy, If that ^ suits you and if the grayish/B/W setting I just described is okay with what’s required for variable colors, just give me the OK, I’ll send you the female anthro cat tails (and start working on her male counterpart :P)

      I may add more tails to these packs in the future but I’m not making any promise…. Life… ^_^


        mmmh… Had forgotten that.

        Some of the original ePic anthro “Cat” do not look like cats at all…

        They may have slitted eyes but they are more like undeads or reptiles if you ask me 😛

        Wonder what was Sade’s original idea…


          Now, maybe this is why this set didn’t originally have tails… 😉


            We’ll need to see if a greyscale combined with the built-in coloring system is sufficient enough to work well with the different skin tones. If you could shoot over the PSD I’d love to give it a try!


              I worked on the latter and I didn’t believe it would be enough for panther skin tone or decaying (red ! :P) skin tone which are used by some anthro cats, so I’m trying to fix that.


              Anthro Cat 3

              I will send you a psd so that you can have a look at what’s going on but despite what I said yesterday, assume it’s a work in progress, please 🙂


                Ok so as I was saying some of these cats really don’t look like cats to me so, assuming that their tails can be changed (if you really want to), I didn’t count them as cats 😛

                Here’s why:

                Thought a reptilian tail was much more appropriate for that one, so I’m working on plucking the right tail where it belongs. ^_^


                  OK, I’m ill but nothing unusual, no covid involved 😛

                  Tails generation process is still going on, at this point, I’ve got 20 tails for 11 “cats” and counting…

                  Some of them are not cat’s tails at all since to me the creature looks like a reptile, a croc or a frog but I believe it should work ^_^

                  Changing them to male will be a detail once that stage will be done.

                  The Red Mage

                    Looks great thus far. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the efforts.


                      Female Anthro tails are almost ready. Just making sure everything fits correctly.

                      Here’s a random:



                        Looks really cool! 🙂


                          Right, real life took it’s toll but this is definitely still on tracks.

                          Female Anthro Tail pack is complete and ready for approval and, hopefully, male tails shouldn’t be much of an issue from then on…  hopefully… 😛

                          The Red Mage

                            Looking forward to it.


                              Male tail pack prooves to be more complex than expected.

                              It is completely different from the female pack. I have to redesign it, real life is getting in the way and well, I have to deal with plenty of unexpected boring stuffs which also just take time.

                              Long story short this is going forward. Just veeery slowly.

                              Here’s a random preview of a male tail :


                              The Red Mage

                                Thanks for the preview.


                                  We’re getting more Anthros? WHEE! OK, calm down, just got a little excited there. Seriously though, I’m extremely happy to have anthro characters considered again. That was one of the things on the Pro questionnaire that OG gave us a little while ago. I can’t wait for this to finally come out, but, I’ll wait as long as needed, I’m in no hurry, and sometimes it takes a little longer than expected to make it ‘just right’.

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