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  • #22855

    Soon you have to patch the program, and the packs.
    You can sure ask why, I will tell you one good reason 😀 (but it have more)
    (i hope Greg will fix my terrible english grammar).
    You will not receive new content, buuut we made more mix and matchable the existing ones 🙂
    You will find a new subcategory: Underwear


    You knew this top already, you sure can ask why we put it in new category?
    here is the good reason: over the underwear you will able to put tops, making the armor or outfit different style


    It can be handy making a set of armor. Example same armor with different underwears:



    We hope you will love this feature, and find it useful 😀


      Thx, I’d definitely use that feature, especially with some developments in the skintight section 😉 😛

      Now, I wouldn’t need so many skirts as I could use spandex underwear, but hey, you already knew that 😛 B)


      now i made enough superhero stuff for pick up to the wip test


        Ah, yes, many thx ! 😛


          cant wait to see what awesome stuff you all come out with

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