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  • #30665

      I just downloaded the comic-monsterpack. It was the most fun of all so far. I have done a whole menagerie. But i think it have even greater potential if updated in all categories. Just a few exampels: Crab-claws, Skeleton body/limbs, Insect heads, tail with stinger/ club / Claw / extra head . I also would like the ability to choose colour in the teeth-section since if you chose the tentacles they is always grey even if the rest of the creature have another colour.


        I’m not having such an issue with tentacles, or maybe you were referring to the teeth ? Well, they are pretty easy to recolor in postwork. 🙂

        Adding stuff to this base feels trickier than usual because it looks more comicky than its brethren but hey I’m not the original artist.

        Maybe you want to try your luck with postwork and/or the Pro version first ?

        because forthcoming updates are reliant upon the artists’ ideas and these are up to them… 🙂


          I’m new and still buying packs, but I agree that more monster options would be a fantastic thing. I really need a skeleton image at the moment, and I’m disappointed that I can’t find a skeleton outfit or design to use.


            Are you looking to add a skeleton as a companion or pet or do you want the character himself to be a skeleton ?

            First option is pretty easy to solve, second one is way trickier 😛


              Looking for the character to be a skeleton.

              I know it’s a lot trickier I was just hopeful with all the amazing skins and thing you already have.


                Well, there are some additions to the Throne Lady packs that look like bones and skeletons, but we don’t have a fully-fledged skeleton, unfortunately. 🙁

                You can see them on the images here:


                  I’m not a member of the team 😉

                  If you want to create an entire new skin, you may want to have a look at the developper program up there ^ (

                  Otherwise, Pro Pack and postwork is an easier way out in my opinion. Let me show you.

                  Say you want to add a skeleton to some randomly generated character…

                  This is just for show but you should get the idea…

                  Give me a minute.


                    There, sorry about that, took longer than expected.

                    This is an (edited) random and a public domain (kind of) skeleton.

                    I did that in a few minutes still. I still believe it’s worth the effort 🙂


                      I’m pretty sure you can add skeletons to most pics in a jiffy with the pro version and some postwork.

                      The thing being, do you intend to keep that pic for your own use or use it commercially afterwise ?…


                        I can play with that a bit, thanks for the help!

                        I intend to use this for myself, no commercial purposes at all. Just to use in a D&D campaign. Most of the players in our group need visuals and this site is perfect for that.


                          You’re welcome. 🙂

                          Damian Wayne

                            I’ve completed my tutorial but I got no free Bundle, why?


                              Hi Damian,

                              I checked the backend and I don’t see the Tutorial being completed on your account. It can very well be a synching issue, so I’d suggest making sure you are logged in to the software with your username and password, and then doing the Tutorial again (can be started from the Main menu by clicking Tutorial).

                              I hope this helps.


                                I get the same feedback when I share the program with people. I have DMS who would love to be able to create more creatures. I for one could use a skeleton as mentioned above. I have no graphic design experience but couldn’t someone make a skeleton in the same pose as others skins so it would just use the same items?

                                I also have a small issue with the comic monsters not having the token option which is easy enough to remedy outside the program.

                                I am using the program to make customer encounters for D&D.


                                  If that skeleton you’re mentioning is actually able to use the same items as the basic characters, it’s a new character, therefore it’s most probably a lot of work.

                                  You can download the Developer Pack from over there ^

                                  A skeleton character would need to fit all the categories from the pack. That’s easier said than done. 🙂

                                  Unless you find an artist interested in creating that whole new set for ePic, inserting the skeleton in postwork is way easier on a case by case basis.

                                  Lemme see what I can do… ^_^

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