Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Suggestions, Ideas More features for the Portrait Sketch tool

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  • #23517

      I’d like to suggest/request more stuff for the sketch portrait tool. 😀 Like sideburns, and more of everything.

      I really like that thing. I like to visualize the characters in my book as I’m writing, which is how I found Epic Character Gen to begin with, and that the portrait sketch thingy really is a big help.


        And it would be cool if the end result didn’t look like a sketch at all but more like ePic standard exported pics. ::P:

        Been really doing my best but I can’t see how I can use greyscale pics on parchment in modern settings 😉

        Would be much easier for me if they were greyscales on a white background for instance. 🙂


          Would be neat to be able to have the same thing in color, but sketches are okay for me too just for how I use it. I’d really like to see lots more choices though for sure. Everything from hair, to eyes, to tattoos, jewelry,more scars, eyeglasses, etc etc etc. 😀


            Yeah, I get the idea, but since 99% of what I’m doing is modern/scifi, I could use a fantasy looking guy but I couldn’t explain why he’d be drawn on parchment.

            A modern photographer or sketch artist would use modern tech to draw a babylonian god lost in the 21st century for instance 😉


              Yeah, true. I can’t help but think of my daughter who does commissions… Everything is done on PC. She can draw on paper but rarely does.

              Doesn’t matter so much about that part of it for me. I would be just as happy with it the way you need it as it is now. I just need the portraits to help me keep characters clear in my mind. 🙂

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