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  • #20558

    In this month will have a special theme: Opposites.

    Make two character (or one character, one companion) who are opposites.

    You have to make a postwork, you will find a tutorial here, but if you have any problem, or question, feel free ask. 🙂

    Because the task is harder, the prize is higher too 🙂

    In this month will be three winner. If we recive more than 10 entry, I will add more prizes.


    1. Any Character or General Pack (no bundles, sorry) + 500 points


    Custom 3d portrait about your character + 500 points

    2. 500 points

    3. 250 points

    And of course all running up: 50 points.


      Great news! I like the concept of the competition. Just tell me please. Can we make entire photomanipulations? The characters would be created using the programme, but other stock images and resources like brushes would make the background, a frame, such things.


      of course!!!


        Muhaha! 👿


          This is my entry. All resources and the description of who’s who are provided under this link, because DA is the place where I can upload the full version:

          The theme is opposites, thus here go Leeshka and Marilumee. The first one, according to TDE rules, is a charlatan by profession (what places Leeshka somewhere in between rogue and mage classes) who dropped out of Pentagram Academy of Rashdul for gambling the other students (and a few teachers…) of their last underwear. I suspect there are a few drops of goblin blood in her veins as she’s bold, mischievous, resourceful and has a knack for shiny, even though useless, objects. A few spells of hers are quite uncommon among humans, but goblin shamans do use them, so the suspections aren’t without a reason! Leeshka is boisterous and outgoing (sometimes even slightly flirtacious), but thanks to her fiery temper, quite easy to anger, don’t go round her if you’re cross with her, she can be very dangerous with her daggers and a handy crossbow (or even a nasty Ignisphaero…). She’s got a smilodon companion Fang (don’t ask me how she obtained him, she won’t utter a word, thus she must have fiddled in less legal activities to get him).

          On another hand, Marilumee is a healing mage, although she can also cast much more offensive spells that you’d suspect by her profession, especially tempest-related like Thunderbolt, Corpofrigo Cold Shock, Aerofugo Vacuum and Culminatio Bolt of Lightning. She’s also outstandingly good at performing powerful summonings. She is a total opposite of Leeshka, being very shy, introvert and calm. She’s highly educated and intelligent, having graduated from Academy of Donnerbach. While Leeshka is very (over)excitable, Mari’s always looking three steps ahead. She gets along with animals, old people and children (in this order) very well. While she is the one to sort all problems with diplomacy, if things really get tough, her bow, short sword and, most importantly, magic lore help her keep Leeshka more or less out of trouble. She’s got a mare called Cyan, who’s the more talkative of the two.

          Both girls are like fire and water, but the friendship is strong and well-maintained. The photomanipulation is a kind of a “selfie duckface” as somebody told me at Mount Drakensang. Thanks to stock providers and Sade, your programme is fantastic!

          Trees by BrokenWing3dStock (
          Rocks by zememz (
          Background by indigodeep (
          Animals by epicgenerator (
          Models by Arlesienne made with ePIC Generator


            Hello again,
            that is my interpretation of the theme.
            Hopefully you can see more than one opposite facet in the two characters I used. :whistle:
            I don’t use picture manipulating software, so I had to improvise. I used a paper-model as the background house and two sets of trees also from my tabletop gaming.
            Combining them with Irfan View and Campaign Cartographer 3. Enjoy 🙂


              Looks as if the attachment is slightly out of shape. It is visible at least for me at the correct scale by clicking on. Hopefully not only with me :silly:

              Forget it, now it is in the right scale :sick:


              it’s ok 🙂 Thank you for your entry, you made it very creative way 🙂


                I love the paper house. Great job!


                    On the last day… Sorry, I’m not good with photoshop, couldn’t blend the edges even with internet help (used gauss blur and feather, I don’t see any change).



                    [color=#ff8844]And the winners:
                    1. Arlesienne (please, send me a note which prize do you want)
                    2. HZubrod
                    3. Zsanna + Greg

                    Congratulation for everybody, be prepared to the next contest!


                      I’m so honoured and happy you liked my work with ePIC :laugh:! The competition was stiff and gave me much satisfaction as well as excitement. Congrats to all participants! I cannot wait for the next challenge…

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