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  • #20816

      I just noticed a problem with the Male Antro cat weapons. About half of the main weapons (the axe icon – not the shield) will be cropped when the image is saved 🙁 I’d like to use the characters without background – which means that cropped images are unusable.

      A couple of examples attached to show what I mean.

      Is it possible to add a few weapons which do not get cropped – or even better: replace the cropped weapons with “fixed” weapons in a future update?


      yes, we increase the size, and wideness 😀
      i dont know is it solution or not, but if you need, im gladly upload the weapon pngs without cropping


        If it stops the images from being cropped then that’s by far the best solution 🙂 If the current generator uses ‘uncropped’ originals then it might fix some wings, companions etc in the same process.


        yes, we fixed it, and also raise the resolution. i asked by nobody answered, 1900×1400 is enough? (now have the weird 639×963 px :)))


          Wow, 1900×1400 sounds good. I’m surprised you are going from portrait-format to landscape format. Not that it’s bad – I think the width is the major problem because there are many options that get cropped (wings, weapons, companions, smoke-effects etc). And the extra resolution is always a bonus.


            We are not settled with any resolution yet and will stick with the portrait mode for sure (Sade meant HxW), but in the same time will ensure that all items will fit into a picture without being cropped, as this is a major issue for a long time by now. The program also uses the cropped images, as everything gets exported as they appear inside the generator. We should consider adding a weapon pack with much smaller items to increase usability. In the same time, as Sade mentioned, she could upload the uncropped images in the same resolution, so you can paste them over the cropped images. It requires some unwanted extra work I know, but could be a solution if it fits your needs.


              Ok, so it’s still portrait. I’m glad anyway that you are working on the problem with cropped images. I know it’s not a problem for everyone but for me it limits using the options.

              If you are still going to work on the cropping issue i’d suggest the following: Start using the full (uncropped) layer images. Add an option to use the current 2:3 portrait format or a 1:1 option. The first 2:3 format will work exactly like it currently works, the second would have extra space to prevent cropping. You could just disable backgrounds and frames if they don’t work in 1:1 format anymore. That way people who use frames and backgrounds can still use them. When using frames the image composition is often better when the image is cropped since the character appears larger in the image.

              Just my thoughts on the issue since I don’t know what your exact plans are. Maybe you have an even better solution.

              Thanks for offering to upload the uncropped images – but don’t worry about that. I’ll ask you later if it turns out there is something specific that I need.

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