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  • #22504

      Well, I was thinking the other day, why not make an adventure creation program that allows players to import all the characters and monsters they create with the epic character generator into it.
      You could call it ‘Epic Adventure Creator’ 🙂

      I have been looking for quite some time for an easy to use adventure creation program, and the way I see it, you really need only a couple of things:

      1. a simple combat system
      2. an inventory system
      3. rooms that players can fill with epic character generator’s props, characters and backgrounds.
      4. a way that allows players to move from room to room.

      I have been working on an adventure that takes place in a half drowned castle in the swamp, and think such a program would be perfect for that. Also, players could immediately use their creations with epic character generator.

      Anyway, it is probably a lot more work then I think, but with the level of programming involved in epic character generator, I think an adventure generator might not be too difficult to realise. Anyway, just an idea really.


        Err… how would you intend to have sci-fi / supers / modern day / historical and/or fantasy characters in the same piece of software ? :unsure:

        That would be kind of wacky unless ePic became a completely different program, and generating adventures is something else entirely. Have to say I wouldn’t need this type of support, at all.

        I’m an entirely pen and paper tabletop guy, at most, I’m using a VTT for modern RPGs. I would never use some kind of “dungeon creator” with a computerized combat system. That’s just not what I’m looking for. 🙁


          Fine. You are entitled to your opinion.

          I, for one, do feel that an adventure generator might have some value.


            In some fantasy games, yes, because that’s what you’re describing. I agree on that point.

            My only question is what about other fantasy games (like more dreamy ones for instance) and what about non-fantasy games ?

            That’s all. 🙂


              Well, I think the room structure could work for all games, or text adventures with graphics of epic generator. But it is just an idea, really. I thought I’d just post it.


                Yes, all games that use room structures, but just a note to explain my point :

                I’m a Supers GM and PCs usually can move hundreds of feet to miles in one movement…. (can you imagine a map big enough for Superman or the Flash ?).

                So I just don’t draw maps, because they are pretty useless to me and to the players, when you move at the speed of sound and when you’re a man of steel, a 2 miles big map isn’t gonna last long. 🙂

                It’s that simple, really. 🙂


                Fasoldgames: with the current system it’s possible to make dungeon generator (need some work, still), but i dont want make different stuffs (the dragon generator and portrait generator still on my list), while we dont have at least 10 packs for the current characters (the fantasy warrior male just will now will come out, now begun the female superhero and warrior, etc). so i want make the current characters uber flexible.


                  Well, Fasold said:

                  1. a simple combat system
                  2. an inventory system
                  3. rooms that players can fill with epic character generator’s props, characters and backgrounds.
                  4. a way that allows players to move from room to room.

                  I believe the current system only works for 3. : some kind of fillable rooms, and yes, even that point would require some editing.

                  But points 1, 2 and 4 ? If it’s available, I guess it’s work in progress.

                  And as I was arguing, this is a very tough one due to differences in settings. For obvious reasons, a Star Wars, Mage or Champions character won’t require the same kind of combat system and err… Inventory (?) than a Pathfinder one would. :unsure:


                    No problem. Glad it sparked some discussion 🙂

                    About the different settings, I was not really thinking about the different roleplaying systems out there, just about a simple dungeon creation system. I personally would love to export my epic character images, add some text and dialogue and have a simple, working adventure.

                    But you guys raise good points. My idea’s are a bit fire and forget sometimes, just see where they impact 🙂


                      Yeah, point is dungeon crawling is only one way of playing. And as a modern supers roleplayer, I must say that’s something I never do. So I keep thinking there are very nice piece of soft out there that work just fine just to that end.

                      On the other hand, just for business purpose, if all you need is a link to a text file (ie: the notepad) for saving your ideas. I’m pretty sure that’s not much coding and even I would use such an option, everybody’s got ideas that needs saving one day for some reasons. 😉

                      For the records, at the moment, that’s how I’m working : pics+txt as source material and when I’m done with all that scratch stuff, I put it all in the appropriate soft like gimp or photoshop for pictures for instance.

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