• This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by sade.
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  • #21015

    Soon i will go work without net.
    I’m working on the NextGen characters (if you don’t know what is it, please look around in the forums :)).
    What i will work on:

    NEW GUI (for full screen window, and works for any resolution)

    Characters what ready, or almost ready:
    – human female spellcaster pack
    – human male barbarian pack
    – anime female fairy pack

    i’m waiting ideas which thematic do you want?
    Also on list:
    – human male casual
    – human female casual
    – human female warrior
    – human male adventurer
    – anime female gothic
    – human female elf nation


      May I hazard human supers or am I over the top ? 😛

      Best wishes for your time far away from the web.


      explain 😀


        Well, modern packs are really great for “normal” humans but what about spandex-clad psionics, Kryptonians, (green ?) hulking brutes or cape-wearing flying Gods of thunder ?

        A pack for those greater than life (and anatomically impossible, yeah, I know 😛 ) characters would be fine.

        For instance:

        Just to illustrate my point 😉


        hullo, thanks for the answer, my net is so ..bad :S
        so a traditional marvel-dc-vertigo-etc universe latex wearer superheroes 🙂 niiice, noted it 🙂 (i originally didnt plan it, because it have herofactory, and heromachine, and the cartoon style fit these for me, but yes, it have meaning. so superheroes pack for both gender added), thank you 🙂

        for supernatual race: greens 🙂

        i was big comic fan when i was younger (and i never really grow up from it), but my two favoruite was the sandman and the spawn, and one vertigo comic, i dont remember the title, perhaps the lost boy or end of the world? something similar about a yound boy who only alive all over the world (i think from gaiman too)
        (and i stop it, because some other comics also poped into my mind, what i should mention, thor was also good 🙂 thank you 🙂 (ah, and i loved Domino too, but i doubt anybody would remember to her :3
        i know what you mean Kelemelan thank you, just i wanted to be sure :))
        (supers is also means supernatural urban thingies like buffy, teen wolf, lost girl, and others)
        again sorry for my english, thank you for your answer 🙂
        my plane go to saturday, about 1 month when i earn internet at my home (i hope it will also have unlimited net), but im a workaholic, so if i can, i will upload wips, and stuffs.
        lbandy soon i think will add some extra for ork race too :)) (for free)
        if you have any suggession, or comment, or idea about the characters, please write it 🙂
        Also dont forget about our monthly challenge, summer raffle will be over soon, so buy tickets, and vote to us on steam 🙂
        have a wonderful day

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