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  • #22391

      Yup, it is.


        My experience of D&D is great – 3.5 is flexible, there are tons of prewritten alternative rules, also the DM can do much behind the scenes. I don’t play with generic groups – we are 4 friends and spend time having a lot of fun interpretating a character (and making obscene jokes and terrible puns all the way until laughter-induced apnea). Also we are all more than happy to have the rules bent either way and to value more the interpretation – our DM told us that if an action is well in character and well interpretated it counts as a natural 20 for example.

        We find D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder very logical and very free, I think it’s a question of mindset (3 out of 4 of us ar Engineers…)


          Mmmh… what’s my level ? 😉 😛

          I find level based systems completely illogical, and thus not flexible at all. And it gets even worse when they are class-based.

          But If I can rely on the GM, I’d go for any system anyway. In my opinion and my experience, the GM is the key, not the rules.


            I had great fun in the past playing Dungeons & Dragons, but our sessions always kept getting a bit out of hand.

            I remember one adventure where we had to storm an impregnable castle of the main villain. Our dungeon master was a bit easy to influence, and then there was this overpowered spell, Polymorph, which allowed you to change a creature permanently into another creature.

            We found a flock of sheep, and with polymorph, turned them all into flying Pegasi. We also had some Bags of Holding, a magical item which allowed for the storage of items of infinite weight.

            So we stocked these bags with enormous boulders, loaded them on to the pegasi, and proceeded to arial bombard the castle. We thought it hilarious at the time. Thinking back, it probably wasn’t the best of epic stories 🙂


              Yup, in the end, the game doesn’t matter much, the GM is the key. 🙂

              I’d gladly re-enact the Lord of the Rings using the rules of Space Opera (or Paranoia, or no rules at all, or whatever) with some GMs I trust.

              As long as the game is fun and as long as it doesn’t get in my way, I don’t care for the game system 🙂

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