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  • #21900

      I may have mentioned this before but I’ll do so again. Is there any hope of seeing an alien pack sometime in the future? For both genders and for those races/species who don’t particularly have them, therefore are ‘androgynous’. Not sure how the last could be implemented but it was just a suggestion. 🙂 If so, features like horns, spikes, multiple eyes, tentacles and the like would be awesome to see. :cheer:


      hola, sorry for the late answer. for males some have already in futuristic pack and supernatural pack. 🙂


        Neat, thanks. Any chance this theme could be expanded upon? Like with its own pack for both genders that is?


        Just i have to finish the “base” themes, like simple fantasy warriors)
        (The dwarfs/halflings is also in my list, but i dont want even think to it, while we dont have at least 10 pack per character) (and i dont tell, but i also have a test version from DRAGON generator, different body types, shapes, etc..)


          Neat. But there’s no rush. I understand you have a lot on your to-do plate.

          A dragon generator?! Now that would be so cool. I have ideas for what you could do with that one. Hint: D&D Chromatic, Metallic and Gem Dragon types. Not only does their coloration vary, but also certain body parts like neck frills and number of horns, placement thereof, etc. Plus each has a specific type of breath weapon. For instance the blue dragon breathes lightning, whereas the red and gold dragons breathe fire. White dragons breathe cold/frost, etc. So different breath weapons/attacks would be the absolute pinnacle of superbness. Is superbness a word? Probably not, but whatever! 😛 Just some ideas to toss your way. 😉


          the dragons will be totally colorable, no preset colors 🙂 (horns, fangs, fins, spikes, head, body, wings, tail, etc), yesyes 🙂
          you will able to make little familiar like cuteness, and horny hellspawn too 🙂 it’s in early stage yet, but i am working on it 🙂


            When you say “no presets”, does that mean we can mix and match horns, spikes, tails, etc.?




              Neat. I can then make a dragon character I have who is one of the gem dragon types, more specifically a crystal dragon. But I won’t stop there. Would love to make each and every one of them with the program.

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