Forums ePic Character Generator Showroom Character Challenges Where to find the stuff in the Challenge Packages? Where to find the stuff in the Challenge Packages?


    I see… honestly hon, the way the store is set up here, with multi pages having much the same thing, only different layout, I honestly get confused. Since I can not afford to buy bundles (wish) I have to go one or 2 packs at a time, but mostly now, it’s because I am a bit afraid I might buy doubles. I don’t want to pay for doubles lol.

    I should have gotton the pro when I first came here, as it was on sale for 30% off then, but alas, could not afford even the discount at that time, since it was Christmas… I am now waiting as patiently as possible, and probably won’t buy too many more packs, untill the next sale. I am now waiting for that, so I can pick up the pro at a discount. Hate to be that way, but things are tight all over as they say.