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  • in reply to: Pose Choice? #24460

      [quote=”LBandy” post=3652]I’d be interested to see if variable poses can really be achieved in any other way than simply rendering the characters and all the items from all possible angles, which is obviously not really an option. :)[/quote]
      I was thinking only certain clothes or suits would appear to be at a different angle, covering the body parts they replace. Or, if they needed to be in a different position, making the layers with the old body parts disappear. Maybe put the torso/head on a different layer and toggle the visibility when the replacement part is added.
      Admittedly this idea would be limited to single sets of clothes, so it wouldn’t offer much in the way of variety, unless there was an entire pack dedicated to the replacement clothes/heads.

      I have no clue as to how your system works, so my idea is probably scrap. What 3d program would I need to experiment with? I’m running KUbuntu, so unless it’s something like Blender, I doubt I’ll be able to do much tweaking. (Then there’s also the fact that I don’t have the time to spend learning the ropes and figuring things out. The reason I got ECG was because it was fast enough that I could actually use it without falling behind with everything else :D)

      : Thanks!

      in reply to: Pose Choice? #24457

        Yep! I had intended to follow up my question with a suggestion, but forgot to, so here goes.

        I had given a little bit of thought as to how an adjustable pose would be possible, but I don’t know how well it would work in practicality. Maybe some clothes could replace the torso entirely? For example; with a shirt that didn’t cover the entire chest, the shirt could have a skin texture covering the base body.
        If it were possible to lay down a field of transparency that makes all the layers below it transparent as well, that would solve the upper layers not completely covering the lower layers.
        Alternatively (or in addition), the head could be replaceable.

        Both of these ideas (assuming you interpreted my jumble of words correctly) would probably require cutting the body into sections though, so not sure how that would work.

        Would something like this be possible?

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