Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Bug Report perpetual download and refusal to allow me to log in properly

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      I imagine, if I could get the program to actually allow me to enter my credentials, I might be able to get it to actually load, but it refuses to give me sufficient time to enter them in as I attempt to load it after having not had it used in more than a year.  Every time I attempt to backspace in the credentials area, in order to type in the correct ones, it gives me the ‘there’s an update and you must restart it’, without giving me the opportunity to perhaps correct what it’s looking for.  I have, however, attempted all other ‘possible’ options via the perpetual download troubleshooting (as i am using a hardwired tower desktop, i do not have an option for mobile connection).  (I also cannot use a phone or such for this, as touch screens are my nemesis, due to physical issues I have with them).  My best guess, after reading the logs, is that, if I could actually get my correct credentials put in, it might actually fix the issue.  I just have no way to do so.



        Hi Alassirana,

        Sorry to hear about the issue! When the software prompts you to restart because there is an update ready for you, it means it has downloaded a new version and will not let you use an older executable because there are changes that need to be applied to your installation. So simply let it restart and update your app. 🙂 After the update is done, you will be entered into the Main menu, where you can press the Login button and get returned to the Login screen; here you’ll have ample time to enter your credentials and press the Login button.

        I hope this helps! Please let me know how it goes!


          That does not work, as it *never* stops the cycle of ‘load to main menu’ then ‘ask for reboot’.  I literally have to turn it off via task manager, as it refuses to to anything more than that.  Yes I’m on win 10 (and have tried everything I can think of to get it past that).  I have even tried changing *where* it is installed, on the off chance that location mattered to the update process.  None of that works.  It’s almost as if, as soon as I ok (through admin rights, as I made sure to give the update process that, in fact), the update, it goes back to the main menu, and starts asking again.



            I think this could only happen if the updater actually fails to patch the software. As a result, the software restarts itself but detects that there is a new version waiting to be installed, but can’t execute the update. In most cases, this is some file system or privilege error, but if Admin rights are granted I have not seen a case on Windows 10 where the update fails.

            The location could actually matter. If you have any other drives than c:\ I’d even try to do a complete uninstall of the software and install it to another drive. The system and drive could have some locations that can’t normally be written to, but as I said, with Admin rights, you should be able to do so.

            Please let me know how a clean install to a different location with the installer downloaded from the site works. If that still doesn’t work, I’ll give you a test version that could shed some light on why the process fails.

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