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  • #23912

      Hm, it is a bit quiet in here.

      Has anyone got something to share? A nice project or art with Epic Character Generator, or something else?

      I have discovered RPG Maker VM, and am fiddling around with that, together with creating another computer game, and a board game, and…..being a bit stressed out with all the work and having a nice cold.

      Anyway, what are you guys up to?


        Sorry for the ranting, need to scratch an itch… (incoming) 😛

        [i]Hey, don’t get me started on something called RPG maker that’s not about pen and paper 😉 😛

        Yuk, I remember a time when roleplaying was like witchcraft, and now everything is called “rpg” 😉 [/i]

        There, feeling better. ^^

        Nuff said. Sorry about the cold, fasold, get well soon. 🙂

        Have to say I’ve been away from epic for a while, been busy with real life or other game related projects I’m working on.


          [quote=”Fasoldgames” post=3074]Hm, it is a bit quiet in here.

          Has anyone got something to share? A nice project or art with Epic Character Generator, or something else?

          I have discovered RPG Maker VM, and am fiddling around with that, together with creating another computer game, and a board game, and…..being a bit stressed out with all the work and having a nice cold.

          Anyway, what are you guys up to?[/quote]

          I was gone for a bit. Had a court date for Tuesday to get permanent custody of my son now that he’s technically an adult, but we were hit with Hurricane Matthew last week and while we were fine on the island, the rest of North Carolina is under water and a trip that would normally be done in just a day or so turned into a three day nightmare. We just got back home this afternoon after countless detours and finally giving up and finding a hotel last night. It’s been crazy. 😛

          Anyway I have RPG Maker XP & VX Ace. but I haven’t really done anything with them yet. (Got them in bundles a while back.) I love those kind of games. I have a bunch of them. 🙂

          Hope your cold is better!


            Thanks guys! It’s better already.
            But I guess summer in the Netherlands really is over now 🙁

            Anyway, no worries Kelemelan, your rants are always welcome 🙂
            And better out than in, right?
            I believe it was Russel Crowe who said that, or was it Shrek?

            Sounds like quite the nightmare indeed, Caenissnow, hurricanes, floods, I hope all
            turns out well soon!

            I think the RPG maker thingy is quite handy, and I am making a small game now. And no programming required, that bit I like most of all!

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