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  • #21772

    no problem, i have to apologize, because im too sensitive.. 😛

    i already worked on some hooded and nonhooded cloak to elven pack (note to me, make a topic about it), i will add few cloak in this pack too 🙂


      Yup, just double-checked ePic as it is now and looks like most “back” items are used by wings of many shapes and sizes (or smaller items).

      As far as I can tell, more items in the Cape/Cloak (or Trenchcoat) categories would be nice 🙂


      little technical spoiler

      for many reason (long weapon, cloaks, shield, etc) i had to found new way.
      with LBandy we figured out a really nice (and working so good!) solution, so you will find many new
      items in the new packs using with the new system. Example: shield at back (chesbelt front of the character, shield itself at back; no long weapon -top “crossing” bug, veils, armor pieces, and yes, cape!

      Because i’m visual type, i try to explain with image:

      This is a pefect image to show 🙂 you see big part of the cape at front of the character, and big part at his back (even his hair), and the long item in his hand does not “cutted”, fit the cape with boots, pants, and other items as well.

      With this system i also fixed the boots, and the “lost pixels” bug too. So the whole picture seems .. better


        This looks really great. Such effects plus our aforementioned chainmail bikinis, capes and my main regret would then be the lack of sound effects in this piece of software… 😛

        Oh, maybe some kind of furry clothes ? I guess there are some in the barbarian pack but iirc, so far, they are meant for male characters. Now you may need female furry clothes, don’t you think ? 🙂


          As usual, this comes as a whole lot of ideas without much priorities. Delete what you will and if something is more suited for another pack, then of course, that’s where it belongs. 🙂

          I’m just typing things as they come. 🙂 :cheer:


          duh, dont tease with this delete thingie, please 😛

          the furry outfits will come with the female barbarian pack 😀 they are on my list 😀







          ok. tried to make my character.
          i hope you like her


          last one for today 🙂



            Oh dear, first and last, let’s clear the air once and for all: I’m not teasing you, you asked me not to talk about chainmail briefs and other male attire, so I am not 🙂
            Bikinis are for women and I understand you had to delete them if you wanted to delete the post about men’s stuff. That’s what I was talking about. Just that part. Just the “unfortunately deleted part”. No confusion there. 🙂 Everything is fine. 🙂

            Back on track:
            Like very much looks very much heroic fantasy or even low science fiction, planetary science fiction or space opera (think Leia on Tatooine…). I like that. B)
   feels like a common girl in a low fantasy setting to me.
            I’d find much more potential to The character feels a tad too eleborate for heroic fantasy but most certainly High Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Planetary SF… yup… I could write a story with that canvas. 😉
            And last,, feels definitely high fantasy or epic fantasy to me (make that High SF with a grain of salt) but she looks interesting too 🙂

            All in all, plenty of source material in a few pictures. 🙂


            ok just i feel myself bad about deleting your message, and you made me remember to it. i really sorry :))

            im about half way with the content, but my aim is making different type / style items, where everybody able to find her/his style.. but still mitch and match with the items _and_ the other packs 🙂

            the limit was 5 image / category, but i changed my mind a little bit, and in few category will contains more, some less.

            but between us, i really wait what will the people making from these packs, because i allways surprised and stunned, they allways make a combinations what i never throught.. so these combinations are representing my style too.

            and i felt (perhaps i have right, perhaps not) i am getting a little better again with the skins (or just few came out very well :))




              In regards to that latest pic only: looks promising to me, especially if you add a cape. Then, it would allow it to fit most genre I can think of (except stuff like grim and gritty modern realism, but well… 🙂 ). Just my perspective, as usual. 🙂

              Which makes me note that several themes are missing (1920’s Call of Cthulhu for Instance ? 🙂 ) You may be interested in these. And I’ll keep asking for more supers or SF stuff anytime, that’s just me. 😉 😛 🙂

              But yes, what you’re doing with this demo pack looks really nice. 🙂 And I’m not saying that because it includes a lot of barely clothed chicks (well, not only because of that, at least 😉 ) 😛 Thx

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