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  • #24165

      Hi, I downloaded the demo program and it is really nice. I’m interested in visual novels and narrative-driven fantasy adventure games. I can see the ePic is fantastic for creating character cards and portraits. I’m looking forward to seeing the monster pack.

      One thing that adds a lot to visual novels is if the character portraits have different expressions. For example, I saw part of a Sherlock game that is an example with Fungus for Unity where there were about 20 different portraits for each character. Some of them were things like angry, annoyed, bored, concentrating, confused, eye roll, laughing, pained, sad, sarcastic, shocked, serious, smirk… Those pseudo-animations make the dialog more engaging. Is something like that possible in the future?



      Hello, thank you for your feedback.

      Tell the truth, in the modern girl pack have a character with different expressions, but i can’t release all character with expressions, because there too much content per pack in this way too. Originally i planned 120 item per pack, but usualy one pack contains 150-200 items.

      You can edit your characters. If you google it, you will find lot of program or online thing on the net, what knows your desired feature.

      I make commission from points as well (as you see your activities on the website you recive points), or i accept private commissions too. Yes, its not “generated”, instead the resolution better.

      I hope i could help.
      Have a wonderful day.


        Thank you for the good information. I’ll google it and see what I find and experiment a bit.

        It might be too complicated and I don’t know how many other people might be interested, but maybe a “facial expressions” pack?

        Hope you have a great day also and thank you for the quick reply.


        hello 🙂
        if lot of people would love, i would do 🙂


          That’s awesome! Would it work with existing models or just special new ones?


          the season 2 characters mix and matchables. i mean female packs with all of the female packs 🙂


            That is very cool. Maybe more users will say if it is something they would like this idea.


              Well I keep begging for modern and super stuff but that’s a given. 😉


              almost this the order: 1. modern 2. scifi
              scifi is almost ready.
              not sure the scifi when will be ready, but already 200+ item have in the pack :S
              probably we will cut to scifi and post apocaliptic pack. dont know.


                Hey, well, thx, anyway. 🙂

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