Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Suggestions, Ideas Extras Pack of Cards and tokens

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  • #24111

      So I am loving this software, I’m five or so packs in, and planning to buy more! What I would really love, and I think others would also, are a number of more options for Cards and Tokens.

      • A number of new Card Templates
      • Card Templates that actually fit the majority of the image
      • An interesting idea would be an actual card editor, choose outer frame, text area style and where to place it, name plate and where to place it, stats such as attack and defense and where to place them, a text editor to place info on the cards
      • Stylized icons that can be placed anywhere on the image
      • An entire pack of backgrounds
      • An option to resize the actual size of the character for better placement options and for use with stands in the program
      • The aility to create multiple characters on the same image

      hello, i throught about card editor too, but i put to the end of the list, because i have no idea how much people use the card feature.
      the resize feature had been discussed about character and companions and items, sadly i cant give exact date, when will be implemented.


        Rev, what you’re asking for, at least about the card template can easily be implemented in postwork, can’t it ?

        Most of it is about resizing or adjusting the pics in multiple layers in something like photoshop or gimp and then merge them as one final image.

        Note that once your character is exported as a PNG file, all your other points are answered too since from then on you can add icons, change the background, resize the character, place several characters on the same pic and so on…

        There’s info on how to do many of the above in the Forum’s archive. 🙂


          @Sade Awesome to hear and worth the wait.

          You’re right all of these things can be done outside of the program with little issue. I was simply thinking how this would A: Simplify the process having an all in one spot. B: Make the goal of card creation more accessible to those who aren’t well versed in graphic design.

          So yep you are right, that’s what I’ve been doing. I just figured the more features the program has, the more people will purchase.

          My thoughts for new features [ones that can easily be done with a little effort outside of ECG](and this is coming from someone who has not yet purchased pro, but will be shortly) would be to add then only to the Pro version. Also you could add the new features as Individual Expansions to the program. Either way the more options the more money is made and the more people benefit from this amazing software.

          I know I’m really new to this community, but I’ve been looking for something like this for a while, and see a great future for it!


            …And then there’s always the option of commisioning Sade… (the ad is free, just summarizing the records) 😉 🙂

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