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  • #25429

      Have just bought some add-on packages, but its not evident where/how I get to downlaod them?! Help!! Ta, Dave


        Hi Dave, welcome aboard! 🙂

        If you use the same username and password in the software which you used when registering to the site and making the purchase, then you’ll be logged into your account and all purchased packages will be downloaded automatically.

        I hope this helps, please let us know if you need any more info!


          Hi, thanks for that… I am now logged in, and checked downloads, but I don’t seem to have anything, unless the download is named CC3…. but I thinks thats a mapping download… automatic doesnt seem to have happened, and I can’t find a record of what I bought anywhere…. money has left PAYPAL…. technical hitches are us it appears!! 🙂 Dave


            ahhh… seems I did not complete the introductory run thru completely… have just logged in there…. though some of those screens were not so easy to follow… it now says it downloading…. 🙂 Thks, Dave

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