Forums ePic Character Generator Technical Discussion Bug Report Antivirus identified the software as false-positive Reply To: Antivirus identified the software as false-positive


    Hon, I’m confused.

    What installer, do you mean the free one, or is there a place for me to downoad the paid version again. Sorry to be so dense, but I have had a really frustrating and exhausting few months, and have had a series of things go wrong and haywire on me. My brain has now turned to mush, most likely in retaliation. I simply can’t comprehend much more confusion…. one after another…..

    I did discover trying to pull the software up again earlier, that I now get a pop up stating not found, so I am really confused now, and not sure what is happening … see screen image


    without knowing what the heck is going on, maybe the exe file somehow got deleted when my virus program closed it